Application Development
A great deal of my development experience comes from building web-based applications and network services. I'm a full-stack Java developer with expertise in areas of relational database design, use of Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Inversion-of-Control (IoC) frameworks, and front-end user interface design (UI) for web browsers, Android devices, and even HTML-based Smart TVs.The technologies I tend to gravitate to for building web applications revolve mostly around HTML, CSS, JavaScript/JSON, Java, JSP/Servlets, and frameworks such as Struts. I may also use PHP or scripting languages for lightweight projects, and C/C++ if running in a resource-constrained embedded system.
Below are screenshots of applications I have worked in the past. What is common to all these applications is the single-page-load approach used to implement their user interfaces; i.e. the HTML page loads once and any further communication with the back-end server as well as any UI updates are made dynamically using JavaScript and DOM manipulation techniques.